Community arts & Care
Understanding the role of community arts-based activities in the relationship between caregiver and care recipient in later life: A coproduced study
This study is a funded doctoral project that will explore the role of community arts-based activities in enhancing the relationship between caregiver and care recipient in later life using a co-produced approach.
Understanding how the arts intersect with the relational experiences of carers and those they care for, and how these experiences may support health in later life is under-researched. This understanding is essential as public health provision increasingly moves towards asset-based models (e.g., social prescribing). Taking a coproduced approach and drawing upon interdisciplinary theories including ecological models and the theoretical domains framework, this studentship explores how the arts may provide support.
This project sits within the ACRC Academy, a dedicated Centre for Doctoral Training, co-located with the ACRC, whose students will deliver key aspects of the ACRC research agenda through a new doctoral-level research and training programme that will also equip them for careers across a wide range of pioneering and influential leadership roles in the public, private and third sectors.
/ Elaine Addington
PhD student, University of Edinburgh
/ Dr Caroline Brett
Supervisor, University of Edinburgh
/ Dr Katey Warran
Supervisor, University of Edinburgh
/ Dr Tom Russ
Supervisor, University of Edinburgh